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                Technical service

                Technical service

                • Develop new drugs for enterprises

                  Including innovative drugs, generic drugs, high-end preparations, famous and excellent Chinese patent drugs secondary development and other businesses.

                • To provide safety evaluation and pharmacodynamic evaluation services in line with domestic and international specifications and application requirements

                  It includes single multiple dose toxicity test, reproductive toxicity test, genetic toxicity test, local toxicity test, immunogenicity test, safety pharmacology test, toxicity kinetics test, pharmacodynamic evaluation, etc.

                • To provide high level biological sample testing technical services that meet the requirements of domestic and international declaration

                  It has the only public service platform of third-party biological sample testing in south China with GLP qualification and quality assessment by the ministry of health, and its quality system is in line with international standards.

                • Provide technical services related to Beagle dog experiment

                  It has the only &quot;national seed center for experimental dogs&quot; in China, which can provide Beagle dog related scientific research, disease pattern dog customization, biological products development, quarantine dog training and other technical services.

                • To provide intellectual property rights, innovative drug research and development information consulting services for the pharmaceutical industry

                • Provide whole process project management service for new drug development